What is Dynamic Application Security Testing (DAST)?

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Dynamic Application Security Testing (DAST) is a crucial aspect of modern software development and is used to identify security vulnerabilities in web applications. With the increasing reliance on the internet and cloud-based applications, the need for effective and efficient security testing has become paramount. DAST provides a comprehensive security assessment by actively interacting with a running web application and simulating real-world attacks to identify potential threats.

DAST is typically performed towards the end of the software development cycle and is an important complement to other security testing methods such as static application security testing (SAST) and penetration testing (pen testing). DAST is designed to uncover security flaws that may have been missed by other testing methods and provides a more realistic evaluation of a web application’s security posture.

Benefits of DAST

DAST provides a range of benefits that help organizations improve their security posture and protect their online assets from potential threats. Some of the key benefits of DAST include:

  1. Automated Security Testing: DAST tools provide automated security testing that can scan a web application for potential vulnerabilities and provide real-time results. This helps organizations save time and resources by reducing the need for manual security testing.
  2. Real-Time Results: DAST tools provide real-time results and reporting, making it easy to identify and remediate security vulnerabilities. This helps organizations respond quickly to potential security threats and avoid potential data breaches.
  3. Integration with Other Security Testing Tools: DAST tools can be integrated with other security testing tools, including network security, application security, and database security. This helps organizations streamline their security testing processes and ensure that all potential security vulnerabilities are identified and remediated.
  4. Customizable Attack Payloads: DAST tools provide customizable attack payloads that can be tailored to the specific needs of an organization. This helps organizations target specific vulnerabilities and provide a more comprehensive security assessment of their web applications.
  5. Scalability: DAST tools are designed to scale to meet the needs of organizations of all sizes. This helps organizations ensure the security of their web applications, regardless of the size of their organization or the complexity of their web applications.
  6. Compliance: DAST tools can help organizations meet regulatory and compliance requirements, such as PCI-DSS, HIPAA, and others. By conducting regular security testing, organizations can demonstrate to auditors and regulators that they have taken the necessary steps to secure their web applications.
  7. Improved Security Posture: By conducting regular security testing with DAST tools, organizations can improve their security posture and reduce the risk of potential security threats. This helps organizations protect their online assets and maintain the trust of their customers and stakeholders.

Common Security Vulnerabilities Uncovered by DAST

Some of the common security vulnerabilities uncovered by DAST include:

  1. Cross-Site Scripting (XSS): XSS is a type of security vulnerability that allows attackers to inject malicious code into a web application. This can result in sensitive information being stolen or altered. DAST tools can identify XSS vulnerabilities by testing the web application for the presence of malicious code.
  2. SQL Injection: SQL Injection is a type of security vulnerability that allows attackers to execute malicious SQL commands on a web application’s database. This can result in sensitive information being stolen or altered. DAST tools can identify SQL Injection vulnerabilities by testing the web application for the presence of malicious SQL commands.
  3. Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF): CSRF is a type of security vulnerability that allows attackers to execute actions on a web application without the user’s knowledge. This can result in sensitive information being stolen or altered. DAST tools can identify CSRF vulnerabilities by testing the web application for the presence of malicious requests.
  4. Broken Authentication and Session Management: Broken authentication and session management is a type of security vulnerability that occurs when a web application does not properly manage user authentication and session data. This can result in sensitive information being stolen or altered. DAST tools can identify broken authentication and session management vulnerabilities by testing the web application for the presence of vulnerabilities in the authentication and session management process.
  5. Insecure Direct Object References: Insecure Direct Object References is a type of security vulnerability that occurs when a web application references an object directly, rather than using an abstract reference. This can result in sensitive information being disclosed. DAST tools can identify insecure direct object references by testing the web application for the presence of direct object references.
  6. Remote Code Execution: Remote code execution is a type of security vulnerability that allows attackers to execute malicious code on a web application. This can result in sensitive information being stolen or altered. DAST tools can identify remote code execution vulnerabilities by testing the web application for the presence of malicious code.
  7. Path Traversal: Path traversal is a type of security vulnerability that allows attackers to access files or directories that they should not have access to. This can result in sensitive information being disclosed. DAST tools can identify path traversal vulnerabilities by testing the web application for the presence of vulnerabilities in the file and directory structure.

    Key Players in the DAST Market

    There are several key players in the DAST market, offering a range of solutions to meet the needs of organizations of all sizes. Some of the leading providers of DAST tools include:

    OWASP ZAP (Open Web Application Security Project)

    OWASP ZAP is an open-source DAST tool that provides a comprehensive security assessment for web applications. It offers a range of features including automated security testing, customizable attack payloads, and integration with other security testing tools. OWASP ZAP is a popular choice for organizations due to its ease of use and affordability, making it an ideal option for organizations with limited resources.

    Qualys Web Application Scanning

    Qualys Web Application Scanning is a cloud-based DAST tool that provides a comprehensive security assessment of web applications. The tool is designed to provide real-time reporting and results analysis, making it easy to identify and remediate security vulnerabilities. Qualys Web Application Scanning is a popular choice for organizations due to its scalability and ability to integrate with other security testing tools.

    HCL AppScan formerly (IBM AppScan)

    IBM AppScan is a comprehensive DAST tool that provides a range of features including automated security testing, customizable attack payloads, and integration with other security testing tools. The tool is designed to provide real-time reporting and results analysis, making it easy to identify and remediate security vulnerabilities. IBM AppScan is a popular choice for organizations due to its ability to integrate with other security testing tools and its comprehensive reporting capabilities.


    Acunetix is a comprehensive DAST tool that provides a range of features including automated security testing, customizable attack payloads, and integration with other security testing tools. The tool is designed to provide real-time reporting and results analysis, making it easy to identify and remediate security vulnerabilities.

    Rapid7 InsightAppSec

    Rapid7 InsightAppSec is a cloud-based DAST tool that provides a comprehensive security assessment of web applications. The tool offers a range of features including automated security testing, customizable attack payloads, and integration with other security testing tools. Rapid7 InsightAppSec is a popular choice for organizations due to its ease of use and ability to integrate with other security testing tools.

    Tenable Web Application Scanning

    Tenable Web Application Scanning is a cloud-based DAST tool that provides a comprehensive security assessment of web applications. The tool is designed to provide real-time reporting and results analysis, making it easy to identify and remediate security vulnerabilities. Tenable Web Application Scanning is a popular choice for organizations due to its scalability and ability to integrate with other security testing tools.

    Synopsys Web Application Scanning

    Synopsys Web Application Scanning is a DAST tool that provides a comprehensive security assessment of web applications. The tool offers a range of features including automated security testing, customizable attack payloads, and integration with other security testing tools. Synopsys Web Application Scanning is a popular choice for organizations due to its robust feature set and ability to scale to meet the needs of large organizations.

    Nessus Web Application Scanning

    Nessus Web Application Scanning is a cloud-based DAST tool that provides a comprehensive security assessment of web applications. The tool offers a range of features including automated security testing, customizable attack payloads, and integration with other security testing tools. Nessus Web Application Scanning is a popular choice for organizations due to its ease of use and ability to integrate with other security testing tools.

    Invicti (formerly Netsparker)

    Invicti / Netsparker is a comprehensive DAST tool that provides a range of features including automated security testing, customizable attack payloads, and integration with other security testing tools. The tool is designed to provide real-time reporting and results analysis, making it easy to identify and remediate security vulnerabilities. Invicti is a popular choice for organizations due to its ease of use and affordability, making it an ideal option for organizations with limited resources.

    Common DAST Features

    Each of these tools provides a range of features and capabilities, including:

    • Automated security testing
    • Customizable attack payloads
    • Integration with other security testing tools and frameworks
    • Easy-to-use interface
    • Real-time reporting and results analysis

    In conclusion, Dynamic Application Security Testing (DAST) is a critical component of modern software development and is essential for ensuring the security of web applications. With the growing number of cyber threats and the increasing reliance on internet-based applications, it has never been more important to ensure that web applications are secure. DAST provides a comprehensive and effective way to identify potential security vulnerabilities and is a must-have for organizations looking to protect their online assets.

    Sying Tien

    IT professional, Social media scholar and a Crypto expert. If you have any comments, suggestions or questions feel free to contact me at sying.tien@thecoinspost.com and i will get back to you shortly.

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