The hacktivist group known as Anonymous Sudan has publicly claimed responsibility for launching a targeted cyber attack on OpenAI, a renowned research lab in the field of artificial intelligence. Through a Telegram post, the hackers disclosed information about the OpenAI Cyberattack and explicitly called for the removal of Tal Broda, who holds the position of Head of the Research Platform at OpenAI. The group accuses Broda of endorsing genocide.
Anonymous Sudan also claims that ChatGPT, an AI model developed by OpenAI, shares a controversial perspective on the justice for Palestinians, asserting that it deems it a complex issue but considers it a fundamental right for Israelis.
The hackers declared their intent to persist in their actions against ChatGPT until Tal Broda is terminated, and the AI model ceases to express what they perceive as dehumanizing views towards Palestinians.
OpenAI has confirmed the downtime. While not disclosing the extent of the problem, OpenAI revealed via a notice on its website that ChatGPT was ‘intermittently unavailable’ between 5:32 pm and 6:10 pm (7:02 am to 7:40 pm Indian time) Pacific Standard Time (PST).
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